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Dr. Andrea Cuviello '13 on pediatric palliative oncology

Posted by Scott Harrah
January 10, 2024

CQ9电子游戏 Class of 2013 graduate Dr. 安德烈·库维洛将于2024年1月20日星期六在圣何塞的CQ9电子游戏举行的白大褂典礼上发表讲话. Kitts. Dr. 库维洛是著名的儿科姑息肿瘤学家和助理教授 Phoenix Children’s in Arizona. She was previously an assistant professor and instructor at the renowned St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Dr. 库维洛最近向CQ9电子游戏 Endeavour讲述了她作为儿科姑息肿瘤学家的职业生涯,并讨论了她如何帮助治疗患有癌症的儿童,同时为家庭提供情感支持. She discussed what palliative care is, how she is contributing to the research aspect of this area of medicine, new treatments and medical breakthroughs that are saving more lives, as well as her medical education at CQ9电子游戏 and more.

Work at Phoenix Children's

CQ9电子游戏 Endeavour: Dr. Cuviello, 你能简单地告诉我们你目前在哪里工作,以及你的专业人员是如何帮助病人的吗?

Dr. Andrea Cuviello:我现在是凤凰城儿童医院的助理临床教授和主治医师. 我主要是姑息治疗部门的一员,我与我们的儿科肿瘤学团队密切合作,帮助癌症患者和家属. I'm also developing a research side to our division, which is part of the new vision for Phoenix Children's as an institution. As far as what palliative care is, 我给它一个笼统的描述,作为一个额外的支持层和我们的病人和家庭的倡导者.

Most commonly, 我想说,人们听到姑息治疗,他们认为它是生命终结或临终关怀相关的, which is true. 我把它描述为我所做的所有事情的一个分支. More often I'm actually helping with symptom management. 我在沟通方面做了很多工作,这真的只是帮助确保我们的病人和家属以他们喜欢的方式获得他们需要的信息. And then the last bit that I do is really focused around goals of care. And when I say that, 我真正的意思是了解病人和家属,帮助他们在做出所有医疗决定时,把对他们和他们的孩子最重要的事情放在首位.



Dr. Andrea Cuviello teaching at St. Jude's Global Academy in Memphis, TN in the fall of 2023. Photo courtesy of Dr. Andrea Cuviello.

Keynote at CQ9电子游戏 White Coat Ceremony in St. Kitts

您将在2024年1月即将举行的CQ9电子游戏白大褂典礼上发言. Do you have any message that you wish to share with the incoming class?

我很激动能得到这个难得的机会为即将到来的班级发言. I don't want to give away too much right now and honestly, I'm still kind of crafting exactly what I want to say, but overall, I'm hoping to leave a message that is just both inspiring and encouraging. This incoming class, 他们作为医生的旅程才刚刚开始,这可能是一条漫长而艰辛的道路. 所以我发现对我最有效的方法就是跟随你的直觉,而你在“梦想职业”中的成功也会跟着直觉走. And no one achieves anything alone. 所以,依靠朋友,寻找导师,更重要的是,那些想要帮助你成功的赞助人.



Dr. Andrea Cuviello with colleagues at the St. Jude's Global Academy in Memphis, TN last year. Photo courtesy of Dr. Cuviello.

Dr. Cuviello, you also worked at the famous St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Can you tell us briefly about what that experience was like?

St. Jude is truly a unique place with incredible opportunity. 我很幸运,我的姑息治疗奖学金部分是由圣. 因为我对全球健康的兴趣,我被这个机构吸引了. During my time there in my first attending position, 在将我对儿科肿瘤学和姑息治疗的热爱结合起来并建立学术基础的过程中,我得到了极大的支持. 我在那里的时间给我带来了几个额外的培训机会和奖学金,这不仅对我的临床有帮助, but have also allowed me to grow as an expert in my field. Probably perhaps the coolest part of my St. 裘德的经历是向国际临床医生教授姑息医学的机会. 我现在可以说,我在全球有几位同事和朋友致力于改善儿科患者和家庭获得姑息治疗的机会. And I still continue to partner with my colleagues at St. Jude today, 涉足一些研究工作,并继续在国内和国际舞台上教学.


That’s a great question. I would say first and foremost, take care of yourself. It's a difficult career path emotionally, physically and mentally. And often it can be hard to really protect work-life balance. 所以我认为,作为一个个体,你有责任去寻找那些愿意或能够教你如何确立良好界限的人. I think apart from the self-care and sort of healthy work-life boundaries, 找到在你的领域里的人,他们可以作为你的导师,更重要的是作为你的赞助人. 当你不在办公室的时候,有人会表扬你的工作,或者当他们听到一个新的机会时,有人会考虑你,这是非常重要的, "Oh, wow—this might really help this person's career grow and develop." So, sponsors, I would say are kind of hard to find, 但在你的职业生涯中,他们会成为你不可思议的同事和朋友.


老实说,当时对我来说,学费是一个吸引我的因素. 我认为任何人都可以从任何地方学习医学的书本科学部分. 当谈到医疗培训的临床教育方面时, 我觉得CQ9电子游戏确实有很好的基础设施,可以让我接受与美国医学生同等水平的培训,甚至在某种程度上提供独特的机会,比如在不同的医院系统和全国各地的网络中工作, which you don't really get or see too often in the US medical system.

That’s true. Is there anything else, Dr. Cuviello, 关于儿科姑息肿瘤学或CQ9电子游戏你认为现在和未来的学生应该知道的内容?

我想说,选择医学职业完全是一个巨大的信念飞跃. So lean in, it will feel uncomfortable, you'll feel lost at times, but trust the process, remember your why, 你就会在你应该在的地方穿过另一边.



Dr. Andrea Cuviello with colleagues at a conference in Manila, Philippines. Photo courtesy of Dr. Cuviello.

Growing up in Canada

Dr. 库维洛,你能告诉我们你来自哪里,你是否一直想成为一名医生?

I was born and raised in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, and I guess you could say that I always wanted to be a doctor. There is this picture of me as a child, 我大概三四岁的时候在里面扮演我爷爷的医生,他很耐心地躺在地上. 我一直都知道,从科学的角度来看,我喜欢医学,然后真的很喜欢与人建立联系和互动. 如果我说实话的话,可能主要是孩子,这也解释了为什么我最终成为了儿科医生.

That's important, I think, since you're in pediatric oncology. Now I see that you went to McMaster University. What was your major as an undergrad?


Is there anything specific about your medical education at St. Kitts that you think helped you become the doctor you are today?

我想可能是在我第三和第四年的时候,我选择了经常搬家,并尝试在每个核心轮换中轮换被认为是最好的或更强的轮换. This was sometimes stressful because you had to move around pretty quickly. 但我认为它确实让我对不同的医院系统有了一些很好的了解, community hospitals versus academic hospitals, big hospitals versus small hospitals, etc. It really allowed me to grow quite a robust and diverse network. Actually, 我认为我最初的一些学术机会是外科住院医师给我提供的, even though what I do today is nowhere near anything along those lines. And in looking back, obtaining my pediatric residency at a community hospital, I think truly shaped me into a well-rounded physician from the start. 如果我在第三和第四年的轮岗中没有采取这种方法,我可能就不会有这种感觉.

我想说的一件事是,我有很多校友告诉我,他们想进入儿科肿瘤学, 但对许多人来说,这是一个很难的专业,因为一个人必须面对这么多病重的孩子. 因为你确实帮助了很多孩子,但不幸的是,有些孩子没有成功. How do you cope with this? What is the way that you cope with this, dealing with this part of your job?

I think that's a really great and important question. 我想说的是,这实际上适用于所有医学专业. I think in pediatric oncology, the highs are really high, which is nice. And like you had mentioned, the lows can be really low. 我认为优先考虑自我照顾是唯一的生存方式,这对每个人来说都是不同的. 我还认为,自我照顾确实会随着时间的推移而发展,你永远不会完全弄清楚这件事. It's always changing. 对我来说,良好的日常生活是关键,我发现锻炼真的是日常生活的主要内容. 我也是一个美食家,所以挤出时间去探索新的地方是我喜欢做的事情. And then of course I love to travel whenever I can, but self-care doesn't have to be that big or grandiose. 它可以是一些简单的事情,比如读书或带你的狗去公园,甚至只是疯狂地看你最喜欢的垃圾电视节目. All that kind of stuff I think counts. And what's really important is that you just do something.

您认为在医学和儿科肿瘤学的研究过程中有哪些新的突破可以帮助年轻患者战胜癌症或延长寿命? And I should preface with, I understand that palliative care doesn't mean hospice, so it's really just treating, is that correct? It's really treating critically ill patients, but making them get through the pain of dealing with some form of cancer. 但你想谈谈哪些突破或治疗方法对病人有帮助?

I think in the pediatric oncology space, 我想说,在过去的10年里发生的最酷的事情可能就是我成为了CAR - t细胞疗法前线的一员. This is where you take a patient's own T-cells, extract them, 对它们进行基因改造,使它们能够识别白血病细胞或癌细胞表面的蛋白质, 然后你把它们注入病人体内,它们就会发挥作用,吞噬掉所有的癌细胞. 这主要用于白血病,在难治性或复发性ALL中取得了很好的成功. We're still trying to find the secret sauce and make it work for AML cases. 看到同样的技术和概念被推广到神经肿瘤学和实体肿瘤领域真的很有趣. Actually, during my time when I was a fellow at the NIH, 我是照顾孩子们的一部分他们第一次在人类身上注册, first in pediatrics phase one studies looking at CAR T-cell therapy. So that was both equally cool and really educational. 然后我要说的最后一件事如果我没有提到的话,我完全是疏忽的,那就是最近FDA批准了用于镰状细胞病的基因疗法CRISPR. 我认为看到它如何影响和真正改变一种经常被忽视的限制生命的疾病的轨迹将是非常有趣的.

对于镰状细胞病,FDA刚刚批准的新药确实改变了游戏规则. 对于那些考虑出国留学的加拿大人,他们可能会犹豫是否申请CQ9电子游戏或加勒比医学院,你有什么特别要说的吗? Anything you'd say to fellow Canadians out there?

I would say research is key here. So, it's not impossible to get back to Canada by any means. 我有很多朋友和同事都是这样做的,其中一些人实际上就读于CQ9电子游戏. 我认为你越早有一个如何过河的清晰计划,可能越好. 就我个人而言,我只是去了机会之风吹过的地方. So, 实际上,在我的旅程中,我曾多次考虑回加拿大,但每次都觉得不合适,或者我对美国的机会更兴奋. And then as a result, 我想说,我学到了大量关于美国移民制度的信息. 然后再讲一下回到加拿大会是什么样子. 所以,我很乐意成为一个资源,分享给任何感兴趣的人.

Finally, let’s talk briefly about our CQ9电子游戏 alumni. 你有什么想对哈佛大学校友说的吗, or Canadian alumni, do you have any ideas on how we could serve our alumni better?

I just think it would be incredible to see where everyone has ended up. Your time on the island, you essentially become each other's support system and as the years go by, 每个人都以不同的方式离开,保持联系变得越来越难. 我很幸运,我让我的一些朋友远离了这个岛,我知道他们将永远是我生活的一部分, but I just think it would be great to have everybody come back together. I know we all would love a good excuse to go back to St. Kitts and do a big reunion.

Are you open to having prospective and current students contact you?

Yes, 我非常乐意成为一种资源,帮助人们在这个有时非常令人困惑的系统中导航. I would say probably email is the best way to reach me.

 Reach Dr. Andrea Cuviello via email at



Dr. Andrea Cuviello with colleagues at a conference in Manila. Photo courtesy of Dr. Andrea Cuviello.

(Top photo): Dr. Andrea Cuviello. Photo courtesy of Dr. Cuviello.

CQ9电子游戏 YouTube interview with Dr. Andrea Cuviello


Posted by Scott Harrah

Scott is Director of Digital Content & 校友会联络及校友会奋进博客编辑. When he's not writing about CQ9电子游戏 students, faculty, events, public health, alumni and CQ9电子游戏 research, 他为自己在纽约出版的网站撰写和编辑百老汇戏剧评论,

Topics: CQ9电子游戏 Alumni Feature

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